janvier 20, 2007

Metro Station Square of Republic ( Lenin Square)

Loaction: Yerevan / Armenia
Architects: A. Torosian, M. Minasian
Engineers: E. Akopian, A. Oganesian
construction: 1969-1983

It is one of the five stations belonging to the first line of the Yerevan Metro system. Its entrance is situated in the immediate proximity of the main city square, whch is now called the Square of Repubic. An expressive architectral ensemble was formed in the last decades, and this calls for more active use of the underfround space.

The entrance to the station is organized around an interior court with original multipetal composition and a fountain in the center, which is well seen from the square. The decoration of the courtyard walls is made of local ochre-pink Burokan tuff, which matches well with the. monolithic concrete of the yeard. The arcade that is the main architectural theme of the square buildings is continued into the courtyard. The atrium court jusified by the hot Armenian climate creates a transient zone between the outer street space and the underground station. The petal formed ceiling of the vestibule, reflected in the fountain, provides an actively grasped vision of a shortened perspective of architecture surrounding the square.

The white marbled arcade of the central lobby with a floor paved with red polished granite floor. is visually doubled in space due to the back wall of the hall faced with tint speculum gass. The tactuful including of the new construction into the previously formed architecture of the square (rare in the Soviet architecture of the 70s) and the actively expressed public function given to the station entrance hall, all those have rendered a significant influence on the architectural pratice for the years to come.