janvier 19, 2007

Ogris: Wanek Architects

House isn

Klagenfurt, Austria

An inherited hous, additions to the family and the adaptation of the building for modem needs formed the basis for the conversion and extension of an existing building. The building is of a typical post-WWWII design that is so often undersetimated typ of construction, being very compact and balanced. When built, the hous was reduced to the minimum standards of the day; now, its siz is not adequate for a nuclear familiy's demands.
Any thoughtless extension of the volume would have affected the original formal air of the building. Hence, the architects sought to preserve the charater of the house.
The development reacts to the conditions of the existing building and to the extension on the garden side, built in the 1960s.
The volume of the south-facing development is only perceptible from the garden. The relation to the public space -with partial views of the new building from the street-can be described as self-confidently reserved.
In connection with the new garage section at the side there is a new structure that is charged with tension. Along with the existing building, it forms a composition of equal construction parts, yet from different times.